Wednesday, September 9, 2020


T H E  H O P E 


My sorrows and miseries rain from above,
Efforts to ignore them, all in vain.
My grin masks the tears that flow,
None truly know me, only my exterior show.
But my heart burns, with passion untold.
I yearn to break free from this cage,
And let my wings unfold.

My smile, a facade, a shell,
Trapped inside, I long to dwell.
In a world where I am free,
Where my soul's coldness, I can flee.

Memories that never depart,
Rope in what could have been.
Time, now is the hour,
For me to take my final power.
Hanging on my last breath,
As the light of life, slowly dims.

Let me fly to the sky, where you reside,
My tears, a rain, that will never subside.
Memories, drenching into the sand,
And my pain, forever, will be banned.


                                                         T H E  J O U R N E Y 

                                                                ANIL T PRABHAKAR

I am not alone on this journey,
Blessed breezes, they guide my feet,
Easing my path, swift and steady.

I am not alone on this journey,
Drizzle falls, wiping away my tears,
A gentle companion, on the way.

I am not alone on this journey,
Birds sing sweetly, their melodies,
A symphony to soothe my fears.

I am not alone on this journey,
Giant trees, their shade, a canopy,
Warming and comforting, my weary soul.

I am not alone on this journey,
For there is an amazing man,
Though far away, he holds my hand,
Guiding me on my path, to destiny.

With the riches of my heart, I surrender,
Believing in your love, forevermore.
And so, my journey comes to an end,
With you, my destiny, till the end.