Tuesday, October 8, 2024

കാടിന്റെ അസ്ഥികൂടങ്ങൾ

എല്ലായ്പ്പോഴും പ്രകൃതിയിലെ കാഴ്ച്ചകൾ എനിക്ക്  പ്രചോദനം നൽകാറുണ്ട്. ഉണങ്ങി ചത്ത വൃക്ഷങ്ങളായാലും, തഴച്ചു വളർന്നു പന്തലിച്ച പടുകൂറ്റൻ മരമായാലും എല്ലാത്തിനും അവരുടേതായ ഒരു കഥയുണ്ടെന്ന് എനിക്കറിയാം. കാറ്റിനും മഴയ്ക്കും വെയിലിനുമെതിരെ പോരാടാൻ  ഇനി അധികകാലം ഇല്ലായെന്നറിയുന്ന മരത്തിന്റെ അസ്ഥികൂടങ്ങളും,തഴച്ചുവളരാൻ  നോക്കുന്ന മരങ്ങളും ഒരു കാലചക്രത്തിന്റെ കണ്ണികളാണ്. കാടുകൾ നമ്മുടെ വിഭവങ്ങളല്ല, 

മരങ്ങളും മനുഷ്യനും മൃഗങ്ങളുമെല്ലാം ജീവന്റെ കണികകളുടെ വൈവിധ്യമായ രൂപങ്ങളാണ്. എല്ലാ ചരാചരങ്ങൾക്കും വൈകാരികമായ നിമിഷങ്ങളുണ്ടന്ന് തിരിച്ചറിയുമ്പോളാണ് പ്രകൃതിയുടെ ഹൃദയമിടിപ്പ്‌ നമുക്ക് കേൾക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്നത്. നാളേക്കുവേണ്ടി പുതിയ നാമ്പു മുളച്ചു പുറത്തുവരുന്ന തൈച്ചെടികളിലാണ്  ഈ ഭൂമിയിലെ ജീവന്റെ തുടിപ്പും നിലനിൽപ്പും.

🖊  അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

എസ്ട്രെല്ല പൂക്കൾ


അവൾക്ക് നൽകാവുന്ന 

ഏറ്റവും വിലയേറിയ സമ്മാനം 

എന്റെ സമയവും സാന്നിദ്ധ്യവുമാണ്, 

കാത്തു നിൽക്കുന്നുണ്ടാവും 

സ്നേഹത്തോടെയുള്ള ആലിംഗനത്തിനായ്... 

ഇരുട്ടിൽ സുന്ദരിയായ് നിൽക്കുന്ന 

എസ്ട്രെല്ല പൂക്കൾ പോലെ 

വിരിഞ്ഞു നിൽക്കാനായ്.

🖊 അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ






വരച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട് നിന്റെ 


ഇതൾ പൊഴിയാതെ 

നിറം മങ്ങിവാടാതെ 


ഇനിയുള്ള കാലങ്ങൾ.

✍🏿 അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


II The Journey Has Just Begun II

"Each step is the pulse of the journey, let it take at least one step a day to cover the miles of your billion dreams. Once you start the journey, you need to realize that you are alone in your journey to reach the destination. You may meet strangers during the journey, some will leave with gold marks, some with black marks, but both will contribute something to your life of journey. You may experience joys and sorrows during the journey, but do not get excited or depressed, it is like the crest and trough of the waves of the journey. It is true! the soul will lead your way where the destination meant to be."

Anil T Prabhakar

Saturday, May 15, 2021

II സുവർണ്ണയിലകൾ II


ഞാനും നീയും നമ്മളും
ഒരു ഇലയായ് പൊഴിയാൻ
ശരതകാലം വരവായ്
ഒരു തളിരായ് വിരിഞ്ഞു
കായ്ക്കും കനിക്കും
കരുത്തായ ,കാലങ്ങൾ
കടന്നു പോയതറിഞ്ഞില്ലാ
എങ്കിലും ,
ഇത്തിരി നേരത്തിൽ
ഞാനും തണലായി
ഒത്തിരി പേർക്ക്
എന്റെ സാമീപ്യമെന്നാലും,
ഒരു സുവര്ണ്ണ ഇലയായ്
- അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ


നിങ്ങൾ ദൈവത്തെ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ടോ..? ഞാൻ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്‌, നിശബ്ദതയുള്ള രാത്രിയിൽ ആകാശത്തോട്ടു നോക്കി കിടന്നാൽ കാണാൻ പറ്റും. അതേ, ഈ പ്രപഞ്ചം തന്നെയാണ് നമ്മൾ തിരയുന്ന,വിശ്വസിക്കുന്ന,ആരാധിക്കുന്ന ആ സൃഷ്ടാവ്...!
ഒരു മതമോ, ഭാഷയോ ശാസ്ത്രമോ വേണ്ട എനിക്ക് അതിനെ തിരിച്ചറിയാൻ.എന്റെ നാഡിമിടിപ്പുകളാൽ ഇന്ദ്രിയങ്ങൾ അതു തിരിച്ചറിയുന്നു.
ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് ആകുമ്പോളാണ് നമ്മൾ ഈ പ്രപഞ്ചത്തിന്റെ ഒരു കാണികയാണന്നും,
ഈ ജീവനും അതിന്റെ ഉൽപ്പത്തിക്കും,
കോടാനുകോടി വർഷങ്ങളുടെ മാഹാത്മ്യമുണ്ടന്നും ഉള്ള തിരിച്ചറിവാണ് നമ്മെ കുറച്ചു കൂടി ഉത്തരവാദിത്വമുള്ള മനുഷ്യന്മാരാക്കി മാറ്റുന്നത്.
ജീവൻ ദൈവ കണങ്ങളാണ്, നിഷ്പ്രഭമാണ്.
അത് സകലചരാചരങ്ങളിലൂടെ പ്രത്യക്ഷമാവുന്നു.
ഇതാണ് പ്രപഞ്ചസത്യം ..!!!!

- അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ

Humanity Quotes - Anil T Prabhakar



 “Let me Help you? Once Humanity dying in mankind, sometime animals are guide us back to our basics."


 - Anil T Prabhakar (Helping hand Orangutan)  

“Man” in the forest!!!!

Now a days forest fires and Deforestation is happening worldwide is just like regular phenomenon. Deforestation is a particular concern in tropical rain forests because these forests are home to much of the world’s biodiversity. In the case of world largest rainforest, Amazon around 17% of the forest has been lost in the last 60 years, mostly due to forest fire, monoculture, mining and illegal logging. Deforestation in this region is particularly rampant near more populated areas, roads and riverine, but even remote areas have been encroached upon when valuable mahogany, minerals, and oil are discovered. As per the report from WWF11 of the world's most ecologically important forest landscapes, including forest homes or orangutans, tigers, and elephants will account for over 80 percent of forest loss globally by 2030, the report states. Up to 420 million acres of forest could be lost between 2010 and 2030 in these "deforestation fronts" if current trends continue. The hot spots are located in the Amazon, the Atlantic Forest and Gran Chaco, Borneo, the Cerrado, Choco-Darien, the Congo Basin, East Africa, Eastern Australia, Greater Mekong, New Guinea, and Sumatra.

Why I decided to write something about orangutan?. Yes there are few reasons behind that, we should stand for these voiceless animals in the world whether there is a possibility to protect or not, tomorrow it might not be there to do so... The charismatic and intelligent biggest apes of Asia are saying adieu to the world. The Orangutan / Orang Hutan is called the men of the forest, not because of word meaning, because of their similarity and intelligence like human being, they are in the verge of mass extinction.  Other reason is my own personal experience during safari at BOSF( Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation) Orangutan’s conservation forest. The experience shocked me and reminding me about humanity something which we are losing in the present world. I will come to this heartwarming incident in latter part of this article. Let me give some brief idea about this biggest apes in Asia.

Orangutan is first on the list of endangered animals. Due to forest fire and deforestation,  many orangutans killed and  lost habitat during last decade. Monoculture farmers are cutting down forest for palm and rubber plantation by illegally. This leads Orangutan became homeless, Asia’s biggest rainforests disappearing day by day. Time is running out; it is the time for all of us to take a collectively action to protect our nature and its assets.


Who are they? Where they live? What is the status about this species ?


About  Orangutans 


The orangutan is one of the largest apes found in Asia, found only on the Borneo and Sumatra islands. Three co-generic species, Pongo Pygmaeus, Pongo Abelii and Pongo Tapanulis are reported in southeast Asia. Most of the orangutans (90%) are located in Indonesia (Kalimantan, Indonesia) and Sumatra, while the remaining 10% are found in Saba (Malaysia) and Sarawak (Malaysia).

 Bornean, Sumatran, and Tapanuli orangutans are endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting, frequent forest fire due to human encroachment, these apes are becoming homeless. As per the latest survey, it is estimated that the Bornean orangutan population has been declined by more than 80% over the past three generations, it is huge percentage extinction of any species in the world. The World Conservation Union (IUCN Red Data List 2007) is critically endangering both species of orangutans. Both species are listed in the appendix of the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora. Orangutans are legally protected under national and international law; however, the rules and regulations alone are not sufficient to actively protect this intelligent species. The conservation of orangutans requires the concerted and concerted efforts of all stakeholders in the region and the political arena to ensure its success.

Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) established in 1991, it is an Indonesian non-profit organization, working in partnership with local communities, the Indonesian Forestry Ministry and international partner organizations dedicated to protection of the Borneo orangutan and its ecosystem. The Bose Foundation currently maintains 650 orangutans with the help of 400 dedicated staff, experts in primatology, biodiversity, ecology, forest rehabilitation, agroforestry, community empowerment, education and orangutan health care across Indonesia. There are few more non-profit organizations working seriously to save Orangutan in Southeast Asia.


The orangutan is the only member of the giant monkey family found in Asia. All other members of the Great Monkey family are in Africa; Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla, Gorilla Beringai), Bonobo (Pan Paniscus). Found in Borneo Island (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Saba and Sarawak), Sumatran Orangutan (Ponco Abeli), Indonesian island of Sumatra and Tapanuli.

The Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmyus) is a large size of the body and is characterized by dark or reddish-brown hair.

Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abeli) are small in size and have bright orange hair.

Tapanuli orangutans are more similar to Sumatran orangutans than Bornean orangutans in bodybuilding and hair color. In all three species, male orangutans are much larger than females, usually two to three times their weight.

Male orangutans develop large cheek pads (flanges) that enhance sexual maturity.

Both male and female Tappanuli orangutans have beards, while male Bornean orangutans have beards.


Bornean orangutan

The Bornean orangutan is divided into 3 subspecies: the Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Parks (Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Parks) in the north west of the Kapuas River, along the Pongo pygmaeus. South of the Kapuas River in the Western Kalimantan of the State of Sarawak (Malaysia) and the East of the Barito River in the Central Kalimantan. Pongo Pygmaeus Morio is found in Saba and eastern Kalimantan south to the Mahakam River.

Settlement of Bornean orangutans mostly in tropical dryland and mangrove forests in the lowlands, up to 500 m of elevation. The orangutans are the largest arboreal animal, meaning they spend most of their time in the giant trees. However, orangutans, especially men, take the time to spend time on ground during travel, they usually travel to other territories for finding mates. They make a sleeping bed or flatforms with tree branches and leaves. Orangutans are predominantly moderate eaters, however, they are reported by more than 100 species of food items, they have a very broad diet, including flowers, leaves and bark; Rotten, pandans, ginger, and palm trees and also noticed, Orangutans eat insects, ants, honey, fungi and in rare cases small mammals. They have a habit of collecting food, so they can survive in fruitless climates.

Orangutans are lonely by default, with only a permanent bond between mother and child. However, they reside in loose clusters with concerned women, which occasionally grow into two, sometimes allowing for longer periods of feeding, allowing infants to play together, learn, and share new behaviors. At the age of 15 years, men leave their birthplace and become sexually mature. Between the ages of 18 and 20, they become very large and develop secondary sexual characteristics in the cheeks and large throat bags, which can be used to lure women and to alert other men and make them sound longer. Males are competing for dominance; however, non-dominant males constitute a large proportion of infants, especially in the age group of 15–20 years when males do not reach full size and females are able to mate. Female orangutans give birth to a baby after eight and a half months of pregnancy, and another child is not born until the first child reaches seven years of age. It is the longest inter-birth interval known in the animal kingdom, enabling the mother to give full attention to her children as she learns the skills necessary to survive on her own, including making nests, identifying a variety of food, and avoiding predators etc. Once these skills have been learned, it is up to the mother to conserve and create a mental map of the forest, especially to understand where all the important food resources are, until the time it changes. Orangutans are very intelligent creatures with advanced problem-solving skills. They can use things in their environment for equipment and medicines. They exhibit cultural traits, and different populations treat the same problem in different ways. They learn from other orangutans and pass on their own skills when encountered, which is frequently seen when food availability is high.

“Let me Help you? Once Humanity dying in mankind, sometime animals are guide us back to our basics."- Anil T Prabhakar


 A glimpse of my memory           

Going out in the woods and taking pictures in the spare time is a passion, love to grab lovely moments of wild animals without disturbing them or their habitat. Recently a photo captured during a safari at BOSF survival forest for Orangutan challenged humanity in me, “how we are, what we are “.

The biggest fear of the orangutans in the jungle is the poisonous snakes. BOSF Warden's main task in the Conservation Forest to clean up rivers, if any report about snakes or predators, warden should recuse /catch them and take to other place and secure orangutan’s habitat. I witnessed an unexpected incident during my trekking in the survival forest.

We were trekking near to the island forest; we were in the other side of small island, for the guidance and information one wildlife Guard accompanied with us.  He was explaining the typical character and other important information about Orangutan and BOSF. Suddenly I noticed another wildlife guard get into the muddy river.

I asked my trekking guard, why what happened?

 he replied me, “that warden is doing maintenance work as usual”.

 So, this fellow gets into the river for catching the snake and clearing the grass and bushes along the banks of river, usually these poisonous snakes are hiding behind the bushes and grass. While the warden doing his job, I noticed one female orangutan came closer to banks of river and sat over there and watching what is this wildlife guard doing. I clicked few closeup photos of Orangutan.  Then the guard is keep searching snake and  cleaning banks of river, during that time, he struggled to move his legs from muddy floor of the river, that’s what I think. He was keep trying to pullout his legs and want to move further, suddenly female Orangutan get up and came closer and stretched her hand towards the guard, same as she is lending helping hand.  This might be lasted about 3 to 4 mins.  I was really shocked to witness this unpredictable gesture from orangutan for a moment. Suddenly I managed to fix my camera and grab this heartwarming moment. I manage to grab 4 frames of this event, but the wildlife guard refused this gesture and managed to move away from orangutan.

After the completion of his work, guard get out from the river and come to us. That time I asked him, why not accept Orangutan’s offer. He said, she is still wild, he doesn’t know how they react.  Moreover, there is a guidance for these people to avoid unwanted interaction with them, it may end up with dangerous situation or the safety Orangutan. More than that they kept these animals to adopt more wild nature and bring back to main rain forest in the other side of Borneo Island.  Because these apes rescued from forest fire, hunting, habitat lost due to deforestation. They brought to here for medication, because these animals sometime in trauma or wounded or burnt. Once BOSF treat these animals and they fit back to wild, they will release in the jungle. This is the great service BOSF doing for survival of this critically endangered species.

Actually, I have taken this photograph on 8th September 2019. Month of January 2020 I posted this photograph on the social media such as Facebook and Instagram. There was a thought processing behind this post. I posted this moment photo with a caption. “Let me Help you? Once Humanity dying in mankind, sometime animals are guide us back to our basics.  Irony of this, we are the human being destroying their habitat still they are offering helping hand towards human being. The present world, humans are not helping each other, that kind of selfishness, egoistic nature building up among people. So we should think and back to our basic quality, called “Humanity” and protect our values and protect our nature for better tomorrow. I still believe This is the last remaining hope for the mankind, we should change our attitude. That is the main thought processing behind this post, which is widely applauded across the globe. After viral this photo there is marketing company called SWNS approached me to collaborate. Giant media group like CNN and BBC telecasted this photo and news. Few media sector conducted interview to know about this real story of unexpected moment. I am so happy that this moment just happened to me, I should thank amity god and orangutan for witnessing this heartwarming moment in my life. Later on BOSF management contacted me and published a statement about this incident, and stating about the Name of Orangutan Anih and Name of the wildlife guard is  Syrhul. They are familiar for quite long and he is the fellow usually going to this Anih’s habitat for maintenance.


There is one thing that Vaikom Muhammad Basheer, a renowned writer from India has written in one of  his famous work “The Inheritors of the Earth” (Bhoomiyude Avakashikal), Basheer reiterates the concept of heterogeneity in this world. The universe is a Noah’s Arc for all creatures in this world. Human beings are not very much special. Earth is a retreat for ants, snakes, lizards, termites, birds, bats, worms just like man. This philosophy goes hand in hand with the tenets of Zen Buddhism. The world is not Man made. Instead man is a part of the Nature. The problems of Men are the problems of Nature. All things Man-made must be considered Nature-made and not created by Man. Man has no right to infringe his ways upon Nature. Man-created things are artificial, polished and short living. But Nature is rude, innocent, childish, real and long lasting. The word ‘environment’ is termed as ‘kyogai’in Zen Buddhism. It comes from the Sanskrit word ‘gocara’or ‘vishaya’which means realm or field where any action may take place. Zen masters are totally identified with Nature. Basheer’s main characters have the same approach to Nature and fellow beings.


"Almighty God, who unites the universe without a universe, has created a variety of things for his creation - everyone has the right to eat fruit, roots, grass, corn, flowers, water, air, warmth, and light. You don't feel like it." Don't you think we should always remind ourselves that birds, wildlife, and insects are worthy of earth's produce?

God, how unfortunate that we had to kill rats in order to survive. Can't humans survive without destroying other life on earth?

Anil T Prabhakar , 2021

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


T H E  H O P E 


My sorrows and miseries rain from above,
Efforts to ignore them, all in vain.
My grin masks the tears that flow,
None truly know me, only my exterior show.
But my heart burns, with passion untold.
I yearn to break free from this cage,
And let my wings unfold.

My smile, a facade, a shell,
Trapped inside, I long to dwell.
In a world where I am free,
Where my soul's coldness, I can flee.

Memories that never depart,
Rope in what could have been.
Time, now is the hour,
For me to take my final power.
Hanging on my last breath,
As the light of life, slowly dims.

Let me fly to the sky, where you reside,
My tears, a rain, that will never subside.
Memories, drenching into the sand,
And my pain, forever, will be banned.


                                                         T H E  J O U R N E Y 

                                                                ANIL T PRABHAKAR

I am not alone on this journey,
Blessed breezes, they guide my feet,
Easing my path, swift and steady.

I am not alone on this journey,
Drizzle falls, wiping away my tears,
A gentle companion, on the way.

I am not alone on this journey,
Birds sing sweetly, their melodies,
A symphony to soothe my fears.

I am not alone on this journey,
Giant trees, their shade, a canopy,
Warming and comforting, my weary soul.

I am not alone on this journey,
For there is an amazing man,
Though far away, he holds my hand,
Guiding me on my path, to destiny.

With the riches of my heart, I surrender,
Believing in your love, forevermore.
And so, my journey comes to an end,
With you, my destiny, till the end.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Story Of A Leaf


Eons have etched my destiny,
A verdant green now turned to brown,
My being, nothing more than chlorophyll.

I saw you flourish, tall and grand,
But I shall not witness your final stand.

My life is brief and unassuming,
From birth to death, unchanging,
Only my hue, shifting with the tides of time.

I yield my place to another leaf,
A new green to accompany you, reaching for the sky.

And now, my time has come to bid adieu,
But I hope to live on in your memory, in the soil that makes you strong.

But my worries weigh heavy,
As the sound of chainsaws and footsteps draw near,
I fear your dreams will never be realized,
Your ascent to the sky, never to be achieved.

They come to give you your last rites,
To chop you down, in a final procession.
I never knew this would be your fate,
I'm sorry, I'm helpless to change it.


Anil T Prabhakar

Friday, November 25, 2016

                                                       THE RIVER

My life is my flow
My destination is the greatest Ocean
Which carries depth of love and emotions

You can float on me
You can flow with me
Feel my rhythm
Feel my heart beats
I will give you the joy of wonders.

Don’t check my flow,
That will make you suffer,
Divert my direction is waste of your time,
I will find my way to reach my destination,
I welcome you to flow with me
Rather than check my flow by debris and
Mud at banks of my course.

I know my banks, they are not stable
They fight with me during my flow,
I know they won’t agree with me first, but
Later they accept me and giving the
Way for my journey.
Some are very hard and tough,
For me all are same, only matters time to dissolve it,
Whoever comes along with me get shaped and shined
I will make them so precious  day by day.

I don’t care whoever you are, 
Still I will take you along with my journey.
It is the course of my journey make you better and best.
Hope you can understand my depth and space in my heart.
My life is only to find my saturation in the ocean and born as
Another water drops in the rain and start flowing again and again. 

Anil T Prabhakar

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sound of His S I L E N C E

Heard that voice for a second

It keeps me silent for the rest of my life

Traveled miles with that silence

My tears are dry out day and night

My eyes became blind, you never know

How hard it was to find a way back home

I lost my strength to keep my feet

I lost my voice to whisper

I lost my tears to shouldering my pain

My eyes became blind, you never know

How hard it was to find a way back home

Let it go day by day

Let it make holes in my faith

Let it take away all my sweet moments

He left me with eternal smiling face

That smile kept silence for the rest of my life

He’s whispering with that silence

I can listen to sound of his silence

One day I saw him as a shining star

Keep smiling with his sound of silence.

Anil T Prabhakar

Art by Jijo Soman

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


കണ്ണിൽ കലർന്ന കമനീയവും കാതിൽ ചൊല്ലിയ ആനന്ദവും കാലം കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടും അണയാതെ എന്നിൽ അത്രമാത്രം ആഴത്തിൽ പതിഞ്ഞിരുന്നു. ആദ്യ നിമിഷത്തിന്റ ചൂടും ചുവപ്പും മറ്റാരും കവരാതെ കാലത്തിൻ മുറിവായി അമരാതെ കിടക്കുന്നു എൻഹൃദയത്തിൽ...

Anil T Prabhakar

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Soul-Mate

Fire of Emotion 

It was the tiny spark in my heart at first glance,

I never thought it would spread like wildfire.

Day by day my heart is warmed by this fire.

I started dreaming of that fire and I could touch that fire.

The fire illuminates my path in the dark streets.

I do not want this fire to  douse by storms and heavy rain

I will survive from the cold memories by the warmth of this fire.

I want to keep this fire with my soul forever.

The fire of emotion will last until the soul leaves my body.

Anil T Prabhakar

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Trust the God Believe your Mind

“Life is like an ocean, don’t get frighten once you lost the paddle of the boat.
 You may die with sea sickness,
 unless you knew that waves may find the way  to the shore of saturation”

Anil T Prabhakar

Saturday, December 28, 2013

പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്‌ പൂവ് (A Proposal)

ഇന്നലെ കിട്ടിയ പനിനീർ കണ്ടു ഒരുപാടു സന്തോഷിച്ചു

സന്തോഷത്തിന്റെ സുഗന്ധം പരത്തുമെന്നു വെറുതെ ആശിച്ചു

പക്ഷെ വൈകാതെ ഞാനറിഞ്ഞു വികാരമോ വിചാരമോ ഇല്ലാത്ത

വെറുമൊരു പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്‌ പൂവായിരുന്നെന്ന്

ഞാനതിനെ കുഴിച്ചുമൂടുന്നു എന്നെന്നേയ്ക്കുമായി...

Anil T Prabhakar

Saturday, November 2, 2013



നിന്നിലേക്കൊഴുകുവാൻ ഒരുപാട് ഓർമ്മകൾ
ഓർത്തിരിക്കാൻ ഒത്തിരി നിമിഷങ്ങൾ 
അകലുവാൻ വയ്യാ ! എങ്കില്ലും  
മറ്റൊരാൾക്കായി  വഴിമാറണം

മനസ്സിൽ കുറിച്ചിട്ട നിനവുകൾ 
മരണത്തോടൊപ്പമേ യാത്രയാകൂ.
നീ പകർന്ന പ്രണയം ഹൃദയത്തിൽ 
അത്രമേൽ ആഴത്തിലായിരുന്നു.

✍🏿  അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Proceedings of Life ( A catalyst for life)

Never tells the way you go 
Because someone will be waiting to check your flow.

Never love blindly 
Love only for the deserved one.

Never believe those we don’t know in real life
Because they will lie to you for something they need.

Never cherish about the past
Because it is always makes you feel restless.

Never give hopes
Unless you can hold them from those around.

Give up
Once you realize, it is far beyond your reach.

Anil T Prabhakar

Thursday, October 27, 2011

മർത്യന്റ്റെ കടമകൾ

മർത്യന്റ്റെ കടമകൾ
എന്തിനു നിനക്കിത്ര അഹങ്കാരം
ഇത്തിരി നിമിഷത്തില് പൊലിയുന്ന
നിന് ജീവനെ ഓര്ക്കാതെ
ഒരു നിമിഷത്തില് പാഞ്ഞു വരാവുന്ന
വെടിയുണ്ടകളെ നീ ഓര്ക്കാതെ
ഒന്നുമറിയാതെ പിച്ചിച്ചീന്തിടും
സ്ഫോടനങ്ങളെ നീ ഓര്ക്കാതെ
ചീറിപ്പായും വാഹനത്തിനിടയില്
തോരാമഴയില് മുങ്ങി
പടുകൂറ്റന് തിരമാലകള്
ഇനിയൊരു പ്രഭാതത്തില്
കോണ്ക്രീറ്റ് പാളികൾക്കിടയിലാവി-
ധരിത്രി തന് നെഞ്ചകം കലിതുള്ളി
വമിക്കുന്ന അഗ്നി
നഗ്നനേത്രം കൊണ്ട് കാണാത്ത
വൈറസും കൊന്നൊടുക്കു -
എന്തിനു അഹങ്കരിക്കുന്നു നീ
നിൻജീവൻ തുടിപ്പു തന്ന ഈ
നിൻ സഞ്ചാരം നശ്വരതയുടെ
നിനക്കീ ജീവിതം തന്ന
പെറ്റമ്മയെ ഓർക്കുക
അറിയുക, അമ്മതന് വേദന
രസിപ്പിക്കും അച്ഛന്റെ ലാളന
ഓര്ക്കുക നിന് ബാല്യം,
ഉണര്ത്തുക നാളയെ, ആ ബാല്യങ്ങളെ
ഇനിയും നീ ഇതോര്ക്കാതെ എന്തിന്
ഓര്മ്മിക്ക , ഭൂമിയിൽ
നിനക്ക് വെറുമൊരു
നിശ്ചിതകാലം മാത്രം
മര്ത്ത്യാ നീ ഉയര്ത്തുക
മാനവികതാ മൂല്യങ്ങളെ
നീ അമർത്തുക
കിരാതന്റെ വികാരങ്ങളെ
നീ ഉണര്ത്തുക
മനുഷ്യ രാശിയെ
നാളെയുടെ ചിറകുവിരിഞ്ഞ
ആ വസന്തം
അനിൽ ടി പ്രഭാകർ